Our Funding Strategy focuses on minimising re-financing risk and ensuring flexibility and efficiency through diversified sources of funding. Our established GMTN and Sukuk programmes allow us to access the Capital Markets opportunistically, whilst our committed bank facilities provide back-up liquidity. True to our commitment to our credit rating, our top-down capital allocation approach is managed within the debt capacity of the “BBB” metrics, and with an eye on prudent financial management.
Our liquidity policy targets at least 18 months of financing requirements.
Our leverage is managed well within the BBB threshold.
We maintain a balanced maturity profile, comprised of Capital Market securities and bank facilities.
We continue to maintain a strong track record of steady and measured top and bottom line growth.
We maintain a focus on financial discipline, holistic risk management and transparent dialogue with our Investors and external stakeholders.
We have a robust governance structure and place considerable emphasis on governance and transparency.
We are well diversified across 14 markets with a combined strength of balance sheet from quality assets within our Properties business, and stable cash flows from our Retail businesses.